Selasa, 20 Juni 2017

How is Mesothelioma Diagnosed

Breast cancer can threaten every woman as she gets older. Detecting as early as possible and having a broad insight into the understanding, causes, and symptoms of breast cancer can save lives from death cases from breast cancer.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a disease that occurs due to abnormal growth of cells in the breast tissue that turned into malignant These cells are generally located in the channel or lobula in the breast that is likely to spread to surrounding tissues or organs and even to other body parts.

Most cancers are classified according to early growing cancer, even if the location of cancer growth has spread to other parts of the body. Such as abnormal cell growth in the area of ​​the lung or the surrounding is still referred to as breast cancer, although the location is not as specific as its name.

There are two general categories of breast cancer, namely noninvasive and invasive. Noninvasive is the growth of cancer cells that are restricted to the inner tubes of the breast, whereas invasive is the presence of cancer cells that have passed through the channel penetrating into the connective tissue. In each category there is also a unique type, which affects the different components of the breast.

Breast cancer is a disease that affects women when the age of 55-59 years, although at a young age did not rule out contracted by this disease. According to data obtained from Parkway Cancer Center, breast cancer sufferers every year will continue to grow, especially for ethnic Chinese who have a higher risk up to 20% compared to ethnic Malays and or India.

Being part of the second disease that has claimed the lives of many women, experts continue to do some research to find preventive measures and treatments until news emerges that while the disease is difficult to treat, women can make early detection efforts to avoid the worst.

Causes of breast cancer

In addition triggered by internal factors such as family medical history, it turns out more breast cancer causes from outside (external). What are the external factors triggering breast cancer? Here's the complete list as it is adapted in the Merdeka page of She Knows.

1. Pesticides
Pesticides are intended to repel pests that can damage crops including vegetables and fruits. Everyone must be interested in plants that regularly get treatment with pesticide spraying, but whoever lets that experts from the University of Liverpool do research on plants that are often given pesticides contributes to breast cancer.

So, you should be more careful when buying vegetables and fruits. Do not be fooled by the fresh look, but that does not mean you have to choose what looks dull and shabby. As a proof you can know which vegetables are either consumed or not is that much bitten by caterpillars.

2. All classes of smokers
You know the difference between active and passive smokers. If an active smoker is definitely high on this disease. But lest you assume that rarely smoking or being a passive smoker will be free from the target of breast cancer.

The reason, the experts also revealed that passive smokers are likely to have affairs to breast cancer. So the best thing you should do is stop smoking, whatever the type. Why? Because now it is rampant consumption of electric cigarettes which according to the layman safe to be sucked for free burning tobacco.

Only you need to know that an electric cigarette or Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS) is still likely to have adverse health effects, commentator Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Head of Research and Development of Health, Ministry of Health (quoted from the article Electric Health Cigarette Hazards by Lifestyle Okezone, 2 November 2014)

3. Hormone Pills
The use of long-term hormone pills with the aim of reducing menopausal symptoms will increase the number of breast cancer patients. These pills generally contain a combination of estrogen and progestin hormones. To reduce the risk of cancer, experts recommend to use estrogen hormone pills only because it is safer, especially for women who have no uterus.

4. Paraben compounds
Paraben is a chemical used to preserve lotions, shampoo, deodorant, conditioner, and even there is also on food and beverages. You can look at labels with names, such as methylparaben, ethylparaben, benzylparaben, and those ending in other parabens. This compound is like an estrogen hormone that increases the risk of breast cancer.

Other Breast Cancer Causes:

  • Artificial rBST (recombinant bovine somatotropin) hormone, used to multiply milk production in cows. Therefore avoid the consumption of milk from cows that are injected with this artificial hormone.
  • Tetrachloroethylene, chemical compounds in rubber, lubricants, silicones, and other industrial materials. 
  • Diethylstilbestrol (DES), an artificial hormone estrogen to reduce the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women. 
  • Compounds of PAHs (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), which are present in other combustible organic materials. These compounds can also be produced by roasted fish or meat.
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) compounds, artificial compounds used in hydraulic fluid electrical appliances and lubricants that leak during discharge.
  • Bisphenol A (BPA), this substance is found in household plastic materials, such as mineral water bottles, baby milk bottles, plastic tableware, and other plastic materials. To avoid it you can buy a CPA-free plastic product.

Symptoms of breast cancer

In some people often arise symptoms of breast cancer or signs before a positive mengidapnya, as follows.

  • Breasts bleed (bleeding) or unusual fluid from the breast milk.
  • Itching accompanied by a prolonged red rash on the nipple and surrounding areas.
  • There are bumps of varying sizes which when held or pressed does not hurt.
  • The breasts become swollen and the skin looks thickened.
  • There is also the skin of her breasts contract or become concave.
  • Putting somewhat inside or people more often say this situation with mendem.

When a series of symptoms of breast cancer or some of them occur to you, undergoing the examination and diagnostic step is important.

How to diagnose breast cancer?

  • Immediately visit the doctor if symptoms occur are bumps, fluid, and unusual breast size changes occur.
  • Mammogram, which detects breast changes such as abnormal density or occurrence of calcium buildup.
  • Ultrasound Scan, is a method to detect on specific areas found while performing a mammogram, more to assist or optimize the results of mammogram examination detection.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), examination in this way is more effective for young women. Examination is done directly on the area of ​​suspected cancer, the result is much more specific than doing mammogram or ultrasound.
  • You do not have to worry if excessive breast cancer. Better use your time to do breast cancer treatment, either by medical or traditional way. Good health is always with you.

Additional Description:
For a medical term that you do not understand can see or find its meaning in the Online Health Dictionary, please search on the Google search engine.

Article Reference:
- / 481/1060037 / danger-cigarette-electric-for-health 
- -oractor-causes-cancer-breast.html

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